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Our efforts to help the victims of domestic violence and those who have medical emergencies that take them away from home and need assistance in caring for their pets is singularly based in generosity of others. 


Like our volunteers, who open their homes to foster animals in their own homes pets or offer their time to make routine and regular visits to the homes of medical clients to care for their pets there, each is a  compassionate offering by one stranger to another in need.


But we know that this effort has a cost that should not be born solely by those already giving so generously.

If you would like to be a part of our life changing mission, please consider a tax deductible donation to MOV Animal Safe Haven.  You may use our PayPal Link below or make a direct PayPal donation to our account at


From one stranger to another in need.  Thank you.  

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As a part of the services we provide we realize that there will be those for which providing food and general supplies at our expense will be essential.  Especially for those escaping their homes of violence. 


In our peripheral goal of encouraging spaying and neutering, we desire to offer this free of charge to our clients pets as well.  All such procedures will be done through our local low cost spay/neuter SPOT Clinic. 


Last and hopefully least, we know the reality is that some of our clients pets may need medical attention while in our custody.   Whether because of illness or injury, we need to be prepared to offer them the best possible medical attention. 

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